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Full Stack Developer

MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore

Take your programming skills in MEAN stack – MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js, to the next level by enrolling in our MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore! Job Placement with EMI option.

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MEAN Stack Course Info

The MEAN Stack De­velopment study program aims to equip le­arners with the must-have abilitie­s and insight for proficient MEAN Stack Developme­nt. MEAN stack, an in-demand tech stack for creating dynamic, scalable­ web applications, entails MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node­.js. This study plan is for anyone, from novices to the slightly e­xperienced programme­rs wanting to understand MEAN stack better. Initiating with MEAN Stack De­velopment basics, participants grasp the archite­cture of web apps and the significance­ of a MEAN Stack Developer in the­ development phase­. Recognizing the MEAN stack’s parts is vital, paving the way for future­ lessons. Here, le­arners explore diffe­rent technologies, including front-e­nd languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and back-end frame­works like Express.js and Node.js. Practical application take­s center stage in our course­. Hands-on projects paired with valuable re­al-life scenarios allow for applying the ne­wly acquired skills. This crucial process assists in building a MEAN Stack Deve­loper skills catalogue. An assortment of coding assignme­nts aimed at supporting the concepts, he­lp students build their confidence­. Upon completion of the course, participants will have­ finished several proje­cts supporting their skills in creating fully working web apps with MEAN Stack te­chnologies. As learning progresse­s, students will delve de­eper into MEAN Stack Deve­lopment. They will explore­ RESTful APIs thoroughly. Key skills include designing and imple­menting APIs using Express.js and Node.js. Participants will unde­rstand creating endpoints, managing data reque­sts and responses, and using formats like JSON which crucial for future­ MEAN Stack Developers. This e­nables students to build sturdy back-end syste­ms with effective communication with front-e­nd apps. Database management is anothe­r significant aspect of MEAN Stack Developme­nt. Learners will encounte­r MongoDB, a renowned NoSQL database use­d extensively in MEAN stack applications. Ke­y skills will involve designing, querying, and managing database­s using MongoDB. Practice exercise­s aid in developing practical compete­nce in data management. Be­sides database manageme­nt, students hit the ground running with front-end programming with Angular, a much in-de­mand framework for crafting dynamic, responsive UIs. Participants will le­arn to create reusable­ elements, manage­ state, and establish best standards for building scalable­ applications using Angular.

This skill is crucial as it enables them to cre­ate attractive, functional web applications cate­ring to user needs. Throughout the­ program, learners have acce­ss to a multitude of resources including vide­os, coding samples, and interactive quizze­s. And, a supportive learning community encourage­s active participation, allowing for collaboration, shared insights, and assistance. Le­arners get familiar with managing code change­s and collaborating with others using Git and GitHub as they progress. Skills include­ creating repositories, committing change­s, and pushing code to GitHub. This equip learne­rs to work effectively in te­ams and contribute to open-source proje­cts. By course completion, students would fully compre­hend MEAN Stack Developme­nt, having established skills for building efficie­nt, scalable web applications. They would have­ completed numerous proje­cts that reflect their ability, succe­ssfully creating a portfolio for potential employe­rs. The course finale is a capstone­ project, where stude­nts formulate and build a complete we­b application, allowing them to implement the­ir knowledge and gain valuable e­xperience in we­b development. In addition to the­ technical aspect, the course­ emphasizes esse­ntial soft skills like communication and teamwork. Given that MEAN Stack De­velopers often collaborate­ with designers, back-end de­velopers, and others, e­ffective communication is crucial in ensuring smooth proje­ct executions.

The MEAN Stack developer certification is in high demand in the industry because it teaches you how to build full-stack applications using leading technologies such as MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. Enrolling in this course can greatly improve your chances of finding a job and creating new opportunities in web development. The demand for MEAN Stack developers is on the rise, making it a valuable skill to have. Take advantage of this course to enhance your career prospects.

MEAN Stack Course Content

Lesson 1: Overview of NoSQL databases and MongoDB
Lesson 2: MongoDB data modeling and document structure
Lesson 3: CRUD operations in MongoDB with Node.js

Lesson 1: Indexing and querying in MongoDB
Lesson 2: Aggregation pipelines and data aggregation
Lesson 3: MongoDB Atlas and cloud-based database solutions

Lesson 1: Creating RESTful APIs using Express.js and Node.js
Lesson 2: Integration of Express.js with MongoDB for data retrieval
Lesson 3: Authentication and authorization in Node.js

Lesson 1: Installation and configuration of Express.js
Lesson 2: Creating routes and handling HTTP requests
Lesson 3: Middleware in Express.js for request processing

Lesson 1: Templating engines and view rendering
Lesson 2: Error handling and middleware functions
Lesson 3: Authentication and authorization with Passport.js

Lesson 1: Connecting Express.js to MongoDB
Lesson 2: Implementing CRUD operations in Express.js
Lesson 3: Best practices for back-end development with Express.js and MongoDB

Lesson 1: Overview of Angular and its role in front-end development
Lesson 2: Setting up an Angular application
Lesson 3: Components, services, and dependency injection in Angular

Lesson 1: Reactive programming with RxJS
Lesson 2: Forms and validation in Angular
Lesson 3: Routing and navigation in Angular applications

Lesson 1: Making HTTP requests with Angular
Lesson 2: Handling asynchronous operations with observables
Lesson 3: Optimizing performance in Angular applications

Lesson 1: Understanding Node.js and its event-driven architecture
Lesson 2: Setting up a Node.js application
Lesson 3: Asynchronous programming with callbacks and promises

Lesson 1: Creating RESTful APIs using Express.js and Node.js
Lesson 2: Authentication and authorization in Node.js
Lesson 3: Handling file uploads and downloads

Lesson 1: WebSocket communication with Socket.io
Lesson 2: Building real-time applications with Node.js
Lesson 3: Deploying Node.js applications to cloud platforms

Lesson 1: Connecting MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js
Lesson 2: Building a full-stack application architecture

Lesson 1: Collaborative project work using the MEAN stack
Lesson 2: Best practices for full-stack application development

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What you'll learn

  • Core PHP Programming
  • Master the basics of PHP syntax and variables.
  • Angular Front-End Framework
  •  Node.js for Server-Side JavaScript
  • Full Stack Application Development
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  • Basic Programming Knowledge: Understanding of programming concepts is recommended.
  • Web Development Basics: Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
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Testimonials: Hear From Our Happy Students

Discover why we’re the top choice! Dive into our reviews and see why students love us. Join us today and experience excellence firsthand!

The Voice of Success: Explore Our Student Testimonials

Aarav Sharma
Aarav Sharma
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The MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech was exceptional. The instructors provided thorough insights into MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. The course structure was well-paced, covering each component in-depth. The practical projects were engaging and allowed for hands-on application of concepts, preparing me for real-world development scenarios.
Riya Kapoor
Riya Kapoor
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I thoroughly enjoyed the MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech. The instructors were knowledgeable and supportive, guiding us through each aspect of the MEAN stack with clarity. The course curriculum was comprehensive, covering both front-end and back-end development extensively. The hands-on projects were challenging yet rewarding, enhancing my understanding and confidence in MEAN stack development.
Vikram Verma
Vikram Verma
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This course surpassed my expectations. The MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech provided a holistic understanding of web development using modern technologies. The instructors were experienced professionals who offered valuable insights and practical guidance throughout the course. The hands-on projects were instrumental in reinforcing theoretical knowledge and fostering problem-solving skills.
Ananya Singh
Ananya Singh
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Enrolling in the MEAN Stack Course was a wise decision for my career growth. Cambridge Infotech's instructors were dedicated to our success, ensuring that we grasped the intricacies of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. The course structure was well-organized, allowing for a seamless learning experience. The practical projects challenged me to think creatively and develop innovative solutions.
Aditya Mehta
Aditya Mehta
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The MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech provided me with a solid foundation in full-stack web development. The instructors were passionate about their subjects and provided valuable insights into each component of the MEAN stack. The course content was extensive, covering everything from database management with MongoDB to front-end design with Angular. The hands-on projects were particularly beneficial, allowing me to apply my knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Nisha Sharma
Nisha Sharma
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I highly recommend the MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech to anyone interested in mastering modern web development. The instructors were knowledgeable and approachable, ensuring that every student understood the complex concepts of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. The course curriculum was well-structured, with a perfect balance of theory and practical implementation. The hands-on projects were challenging yet rewarding, enabling me to build dynamic web applications with confidence.
Rohan Kapoor
Rohan Kapoor
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Cambridge Infotech's MEAN Stack Course provided me with a comprehensive understanding of full-stack development. The instructors were experienced professionals who provided valuable insights and guidance throughout the course. The curriculum covered a wide range of topics, from database management to front-end design, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced developers. The hands-on projects were engaging and allowed me to apply my skills effectively.
Neha Singhania
Neha Singhania
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Enrolling in the MEAN Stack Course was a game-changer for my career aspirations. The instructors at Cambridge Infotech were not only experts in their fields but also excellent mentors who fostered a collaborative learning environment. The course content was up-to-date and relevant to industry standards, covering the latest trends in web development. The hands-on projects provided valuable practical experience, allowing me to build a diverse portfolio of projects.
Karthik Verma
Karthik Verma
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The MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech was an enriching experience. The instructors were dedicated to our success, providing personalized attention and guidance throughout the course. The curriculum was well-structured, covering MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js comprehensively. The hands-on projects were challenging yet rewarding, allowing me to apply what I learned and develop practical skills that are in high demand in the industry.
Ria Mehta
Ria Mehta
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I'm extremely satisfied with the MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech. The instructors were experienced professionals who provided valuable guidance and support throughout the course. The curriculum was well-paced, allowing me to grasp the fundamentals of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js effectively. The hands-on projects were diverse and engaging, enabling me to build robust web applications from scratch.
Arjun Singh
Arjun Singh
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The MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech was a transformative learning experience. The instructors were knowledgeable and passionate about web development, providing comprehensive explanations of complex concepts. The course curriculum was well-designed, covering each component of the MEAN stack in detail. The hands-on projects were challenging yet achievable, allowing me to apply my skills and creativity to real-world scenarios.
Sneha Kapoor
Sneha Kapoor
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I had a fantastic experience with the MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech. The instructors were experienced professionals who provided excellent guidance and support throughout the course. The curriculum was comprehensive, covering both front-end and back-end development with MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. The hands-on projects were practical and industry-relevant, allowing me to build a solid foundation in MEAN stack development.
Vikrant Sharma
Vikrant Sharma
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Cambridge Infotech's MEAN Stack Course exceeded my expectations. The instructors were knowledgeable and supportive, providing valuable insights and practical advice. The course content was comprehensive, covering all aspects of full-stack web development using MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. The hands-on projects were particularly beneficial, allowing me to apply what I learned and develop real-world applications.
Nandini Mehta
Nandini Mehta
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This course was instrumental in advancing my career in web development. The MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech provided me with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field. The instructors were experienced professionals who provided valuable guidance and support throughout the course. The curriculum was well-structured, covering MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js comprehensively. The hands-on projects were challenging yet rewarding, allowing me to apply what I learned and build practical skills that are in high demand in the industry.
Arnav Verma
Arnav Verma
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Enrolling in the MEAN Stack Course was a turning point in my career journey. The instructors at Cambridge Infotech were highly skilled and passionate about teaching, providing comprehensive explanations of complex concepts. The course curriculum was well-organized, covering each component of the MEAN stack thoroughly. The hands-on projects were invaluable, allowing me to gain practical experience and build a strong portfolio of projects.
Priya Khanna
Priya Khanna
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I highly recommend the MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech to anyone looking to advance their career in web development. The instructors were knowledgeable and supportive, providing personalized attention to each student. The course content was comprehensive, covering MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js in-depth. The hands-on projects were particularly valuable, allowing me to apply what I learned and develop practical skills that are essential for success in the industry.
Aryan Mehta
Aryan Mehta
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The MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech was an invaluable investment in my career. The instructors' expertise and personalized approach to teaching were instrumental in my learning journey. The course content was comprehensive, covering MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js extensively. The hands-on projects were challenging yet rewarding, providing practical experience and enhancing my problem-solving skills.
Shreya Singhania
Shreya Singhania
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I'm extremely satisfied with the MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech. The instructors were highly knowledgeable and passionate about web development. The course curriculum was well-structured, with a focus on both theoretical concepts and practical implementation. The hands-on projects were engaging and allowed me to apply my skills in real-world scenarios, preparing me for a career in full-stack development.
Aditi Kapoor
Aditi Kapoor
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Enrolling in the MEAN Stack Course was a game-changer for me. Cambridge Infotech's instructors were dedicated to our success, providing valuable guidance and support throughout the course. The curriculum covered a wide range of topics, from database management to front-end design, giving me a comprehensive understanding of the MEAN stack. The hands-on projects were challenging yet rewarding, allowing me to build innovative web applications.
Yash Verma
Yash Verma
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The MEAN Stack Course at Cambridge Infotech exceeded my expectations. The instructors were experienced professionals who provided valuable insights into each component of the MEAN stack. The course curriculum was well-designed, with a perfect balance of theory and practical exercises. The hands-on projects were particularly beneficial, allowing me to gain confidence and proficiency in developing dynamic web applications.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We’ve got answers! Explore our FAQ section to find solutions to common queries. Dive in now!

Our MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore is unique because it offers a personalized learning approach, experienced instructors, and practical, hands-on activities that enhance your skills effectively.

In the MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore, you will learn key concepts and advanced techniques in MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js, including real-world applications and problem-solving strategies.

Yes, a certificate of completion is provided after successfully finishing the MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore.

You can enroll in the MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore by visiting our enrollment page on the website and completing the registration form.

The MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore is delivered in a hybrid format, combining online learning with in-person workshops.

Our MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore is designed for intermediate learners, but beginners with a strong interest and commitment can also succeed.

The class timings for the MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore are flexible, with multiple slots available, including evenings and weekends.

Yes, you will have lifetime access to all course materials for the MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore.

The sessions in the MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore are highly interactive, featuring live discussions, Q&A sessions, and group activities.

Yes, we offer a free demo class for the MEAN Stack Course in Bangalore so you can experience the teaching style and course structure before enrolling.

MEAN Stack Course Corporate Training

Join our Corporate MEAN Stack Course to enhance skills and elevate professional effectiveness. Benefit from EMI Options and Placement Assistance.

Upcoming Batch - MEAN Stack Course

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10:00 am (IST)

(Class 1hr - 1:30Hrs)/Per Session


Mon (Mon-Fri)


10:00 am (IST)

(Class 1hr - 1:30Hrs)/Per Session




10:00 am (IST)

(Class 4hrs)/Per Session

MEAN Stack Course Completion Certificate

A globally recognized certificate does just that, signaling to potential employers that you are equipped with essential skills for effective communication.

Here are a few reasons why our institute in Bangalore stands out:

  • Effective Learning: Our Course provides practical, hands-on learning experiences to ensure that theory is always complemented by practice.
  • Global Recognition: The course certification you earn enables you to communicate confidently and effectively, opening doors to opportunities worldwide.
  • Community and Support: By joining our course, you become part of a supportive community that encourages and motivates each other to improve their language skills.

Choosing where to enhance your skills in Bangalore is a significant decision. Our institute offers comprehensive

Cambridge Infotech Course Completion Certificate

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