Special Offer take any 4 courses for INR 21999.00*


What you'll learn

  • Introduction to Selenium WebDriver: Understand the fundamentals of Selenium WebDriver, its architecture, and how it interacts with web browsers to automate testing tasks.
  • Python Programming for Automation: Learn Python programming concepts essential for Selenium automation, including data types, control structures, functions, and exception handling.
  • Selenium WebDriver Basics: Master the usage of Selenium WebDriver with Python to locate web elements and perform actions like clicking, typing, selecting, and handling alerts, frames, and windows.
  • Test Automation Frameworks: Explore various test automation frameworks like unit tests and pytests to organize, execute effectively, and report test cases.
  • Advanced Selenium Techniques: Dive into advanced Selenium techniques such as handling dynamic elements, waits, multiple windows, iframes, and executing JavaScript code.
  • Page Object Model (POM): Implement the Page Object Model design pattern to create scalable and maintainable automation scripts.

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