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Selenium with Java Course Info

This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to automate web application testing effectively, leveraging the power of Selenium and Java programming languages.

Our Selenium with Java Course offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare you for a successful career in automation testing. You will develop the skills and expertise needed to become a proficient Selenium automation tester through hands-on exercises, real-world projects, and expert guidance.

Selenium with Java Course Content

Lesson 1: Overview of Selenium WebDriver
Lesson 2: Setting Up Selenium WebDriver Environment
Lesson 3: Locating Web Elements: By ID, Name, XPath, CSS Selector
Lesson 4: WebDriver Commands: Click, Type, Select, Submit
Lesson 5: Handling Alerts, Frames, and Windows

Lesson 1: Introduction to Java Programming Language
Lesson 2: Data Types, Variables, and Operators
Lesson 3: Control Structures: If-else, Switch-case, Loops
Lesson 4: Functions and Methods
Lesson 5: Exception Handling

Lesson 1: Introduction to TestNG and JUnit
Lesson 2: Annotations and Test Execution Flow
Lesson 3: Parameterization and Data-Driven Testing
Lesson 4: Assertions and Reporting
Lesson 5: Test Suite Configuration and Parallel Execution

Lesson 1: Handling Dynamic Elements and Waits
Lesson 2: Working with Multiple Windows and Frames
Lesson 3: Handling Dropdowns, Checkboxes, and Radio Buttons
Lesson 4: Executing JavaScript Code
Lesson 5: Browser Navigation and Cookies Handling

Lesson 1: Introduction to Page Object Model (POM)
Lesson 2: Implementing POM in Selenium Automation
Lesson 3: Creating Page Classes and Test Classes
Lesson 4: Advantages of POM for Test Maintenance

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