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Automation Testing Course Info

This comprehensive program offers hands-on training in automation testing tools and techniques, empowering you to automate repetitive testing tasks and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your testing efforts.

Our Automation Testing Course provides a comprehensive curriculum to prepare you for a successful career in automation testing. Through practical training, real-world projects, and expert guidance, you will develop the skills and expertise needed to design, implement, and maintain automated test suites that ensure the quality and reliability of software applications.

Automation Testing Course Content

Lesson 1: Overview of Automation Testing
Lesson 2: Advantages and Limitations of Automation Testing
Lesson 3: Automation Testing Process
Lesson 4: Selection Criteria for Automation Testing
Lesson 5: Automation Testing Tools and Frameworks Overview

Lesson 1: Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
Lesson 2: Setting Up Selenium WebDriver Environment
Lesson 3: Locators and Web Element Identification
Lesson 4: WebDriver Commands and Methods
Lesson 5: Handling Various User Interactions (e.g., Forms, Alerts, Frames)
Lesson 6: Working with Dynamic Elements
Lesson 7: Introduction to Appium for Mobile Automation
Lesson 8: TestNG and JUnit for Test Execution and Reporting

Lesson 1: Data-Driven Testing (DDT)
Lesson 2: Keyword-Driven Testing (KDT)
Lesson 3: Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Cucumber
Lesson 4: Page Object Model (POM) Design Pattern
Lesson 5: Hybrid Test Automation Frameworks
Lesson 6: Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Testing (CT) with Jenkins
Lesson 7: Test Execution in Parallel and Distributed Environments

Lesson 1: Test Script Design and Optimization
Lesson 2: Test Data Management and Handling
Lesson 3: Synchronization Strategies for Handling Asynchronous Operations
Lesson 4: Error Handling and Reporting Mechanisms
Lesson 5: Test Environment Setup and Configuration Management
Lesson 6: Maintenance and Refactoring of Automated Test Scripts

Lesson 1: Practical Application of Automation Testing Tools and Frameworks
Lesson 2: Building Automated Test Suites for Web and Mobile Applications
Lesson 3: Test Automation for Different Testing Scenarios (e.g., Regression Testing, Smoke Testing)
Lesson 4: Problem-solving and Troubleshooting in Automation Testing Projects
Lesson 5: Best Practices for Test Automation Project Management

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