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Flutter App Development Course Info

This 110-hour course teaches you how to develop cross-platform applications using Flutter and Dart. It covers foundational and advanced concepts, giving you a strong understanding of both Flutter and Dart.

Our course on Flutter App Development offers more than just conventional training. It equips participants with practical skills and real-world insights on Flutter and Dart.

Graduates gain skills to create smooth cross-platform apps and have a solid foundation for a successful career in mobile app development.

Get ahead with the most comprehensive Flutter app development course in Bangalore, offering flexible EMI options and unwavering job placement support. Kickstart your journey into the dynamic world of cross-platform app development today! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, our course is designed to cater to all skill levels.

Join us in unlocking your full potential in Flutter and Dart, and take your career to new heights in mobile app development. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity – enroll in our Flutter app development course now!

The hourly breakdown is indicative and may vary based on the pace of the class and additional interactive activities. Practical exercises, coding challenges, and real-world examples should be incorporated throughout the sessions to reinforce learning.

Flutter App Development Course Content

Lesson 1: Overview of Dart as a programming language
Lesson 2: Dart syntax, variables, and data types

Lesson 1: Understanding classes, objects, and inheritance
Lesson 2: Implementing encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstraction

Lesson 1: Exploring asynchronous programming using futures and streams
Lesson 2: Handling asynchronous operations with async/await

Lesson 1: Understanding the Flutter architecture and framework
Lesson 2: Installing Flutter SDK and setting up the development environment

Lesson 1: Leveraging Dart language features in Flutter
Lesson 2: Exploring Flutter's widget tree and its components

Lesson 1: Creating a simple Flutter app from scratch
Lesson 2: Navigating Flutter projects and file structure

Lesson 1: Understanding Flutter widgets and their properties
Lesson 2: Creating responsive layouts with different Flutter layouts

Lesson 1: Implementing custom UI components
Lesson 2: Adding animations to enhance the user experience

Lesson 1:Overview of Flutter's reactive programming model
Lesson 2: Managing state using setState and InheritedWidget

Lesson 1: Implementing state management using providers, bloc, and riverpod
Lesson 2: Handling complex state scenarios in Flutter applications

Lesson 1: Understanding Flutter's navigation and routing system
Lesson 2: Implementing navigation in Flutter apps

Lesson 1: Making HTTP requests in Flutter
Lesson 2: Parsing JSON responses and handling errors
Lesson 3: Implementing CRUD operations with Flutter and APIs

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