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MERN Stack Developer Course info

This course is great for both beginners and experienced developers. It provides job placement support and flexible payment options, giving you a chance to advance your career in web development.

Do not miss out on the chance to enroll in the Advanced MERN Full Course with certification and secure your future in this in-demand field with the 120-hour MERN Stack Full-Stack Developer course is designed to provide participants with a strong foundation in MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, enabling them to build modern and scalable web applications.

Our MERN Stack Full-Stack Developer Course goes beyond traditional web development training, providing participants with practical skills and a deep understanding of the MERN stack. Graduates emerge ready to build scalable and modern web applications using MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. Benefit from the MERN course fees with EMI options and secure your future with our job placement support. Enroll now in the Advanced MERN Full Course with certification and elevate your career in modern web development. Throughout the comprehensive 120-hour MERN Stack FullStack Developer course, participants will not only gain a strong understanding of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, but they will also acquire practical skills that will enable them to build robust and scalable web applications.

MERN Stack Developer Course Content

Introduction to MongoDB and NoSQL Concepts (4 hours)
CRUD Operations with MongoDB (6 hours)
Data Modeling and Schema Design (6 hours)
Indexing and Performance Optimization (6 hours)
Aggregation Framework and Advanced Queries (8 hours)

Introduction to Node.js and NPM (4 hours)
Building Web Servers with Express.js (8 hours)
Middleware and Routing in Express.js (6 hours)
Authentication and Authorization with Passport.js (6 hours)
Error Handling and Validation (6 hours)

Introduction to React.js and JSX (6 hours)
Components and Props (6 hours)
State Management with Hooks and Context API (8 hours)
React Router and Navigation (4 hours)
Forms and User Input Handling (6 hours)

Asynchronous JavaScript and Promises (4 hours)
File System Operations and Streams (4 hours)
Event-Driven Architecture (4 hours)
Creating RESTful APIs with Node.js (4 hours)
Real-time Communication with Socket.io (4 hours)

Integrating React.js with Express.js (4 hours)
Implementing CRUD Operations in a Full-Stack Application (4 hours)
User Authentication and Authorization in a MERN Stack App (2 hours)

Introduction to Deployment Options (2 hours)
Deploying MERN Stack Applications on Platforms like Heroku or AWS (3 hours)

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