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Python Full Stack Developer Course Info

This comprehensive 110-hour Python Full Stack Developer course is designed to provide participants with a solid foundation in Python programming, SQL, and the essential frontend and back-end technologies using the Django framework.. 

Our Python Full Stack Developer course goes beyond conventional Python training, providing extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in both front-end and back-end development. Graduates emerge with practical skills and a deep understanding of Python’s application across the entire development stack.

Python Full Stack Developer Course Content

Lesson 1: Overview of Python programming language
Lesson 2: Setting up the Python development environment
Lesson 3: Writing and executing basic Python programs

Lesson 1: Variables, data types, and operators in Python
Lesson 2: Control flow and looping structures
Lesson 3: Functions, modules, and error handling in Python

Lesson 1: Basics of relational databases
Lesson 2: Writing SQL queries for data retrieval and modification
Lesson 3: Normalization and database design principles

Lesson 1: Connecting Python applications to databases using SQLAlchemy
Lesson 2: Executing SQL queries and updates in Python
Lesson 3: Handling transactions and database interactions with Python

Lesson 1: HTML5 markup and structure
Lesson 2: CSS styling and layout techniques
Lesson 3: Responsive web design principles

Lesson 1: JavaScript syntax and fundamentals
Lesson 2: DOM manipulation and event handling
Lesson 3: Variables, data types, and control structures in JavaScript


Lesson 1: Introduction to Bootstrap and its components
Lesson 2: Building responsive and mobile-first designs with Bootstrap

Lesson 1: Overview of Django framework
Lesson 2: Setting up a Django project and a
Lesson 3: Understanding the Django project structure

Lesson 1: Building models to represent data in Django
Lesson 2: Creating views to handle user requests
Lesson 3: Templating engine for dynamic content

Lesson 1: Handling forms and user input in Django
Lesson 2: Implementing user authentication and authorization
Lesson 3: Customizing the Django admin interface

Lesson 1: Introduction to RESTful APIs
Lesson 2: Building RESTful APIs with Django REST framework
Lesson 3: Consuming RESTful APIs in Django applications

Lesson 1: Real-world project work using Django
Lesson 2: Deployment of Django applications to a web server
Lesson 3: Best practices for Django project management

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